Essential Fatty Acids

The Basics

Before we get into fatty acids, let’s go over a few basics. We eat mostly to satisfy the rumblings of our stomach but, if you took a basic course in nutrition, you will learn our body actually has nutritional requirements that must be met for proper growth, maintenance, repair and fuel to get through our day. There are about 90 different nutrients our body needs on a daily basis such as vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, fats etc. Some of these nutrients our bodies can actually make such as Vitamin D and some amino acids. Most other nutrients must come from our diet.

Now, amino acids are what proteins are made of and there are about 20 of them. Of these 20 or so amino acids, about 8 of them are considered essential, meaning you must get them from your diet! Fat is similar to protein, in the fact that fat is made of smaller components called fatty acids and 2 of them are also considered essential and must also come from your diet.


  • The body needs about 90 nutrients daily. 
  • The body makes some nutrients. 
  • Some nutrients must come from the diet and are considered essential! 

 The Basics  of Essential Fatty Acids 

In a article posted from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine they talk about the two essential fatty acids (Found in Liquid gold) and their importance.

 “The body can synthesize most of the fats it needs from the diet. However, two essential fatty acids, linolenic and linoleic acid, cannot be synthesized in the body and must be obtained from food.These basic fats, found in plant foods, are used to build specialized fats called omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.1 Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are important in the normal functioning of all tissues of the body.

 Deficiencies in these fatty acids lead to a host of symptoms and disorders including abnormalities in the liver and the kidneys, reduced growth rates, decreased immune function, depression, and dryness of the skin. Adequate intake of the essential fatty acids results in numerous health benefits.

Documented benefits include prevention of atherosclerosis, reduced incidence of heart disease and stroke, and relief from the symptoms associated with ulcerative colitis, menstrual pain, and joint pain.2-4 Omega-3 fatty acid levels have also been associated with decreased breast cancer risk.5,6

 It is not only important to incorporate good sources of omega-3 and omega-6s in your diet, but also consume these fatty acids in the proper ratio. ( Liquid Gold has them in proper ratios) Omega-6 fatty acids compete with omega-3 fatty acids for use in the body,7 and therefore excessive intake of omega-6 fatty acids can inhibit omega-3s. Ideally, the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids should be between 1:1 and 4:1.8 Instead, most Americans consume these fatty acids at a ratio of omega-6:omega-3 between 10:1 and 25:1, and are consequently unable to reap the benefits of omega-3s.9 This imbalance is due to a reliance on processed foods and oils, which are now common in the Western diet. To combat this issue it is necessary to eat minimal processed foods and consume foods with naturally occurring omega-3 fatty acids. A lower omega-6:omega-3 ratio is desirable for reducing the risk of many chronic diseases.9″

 It is vital for everyone to eat foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids on a daily basis. Unlike omega-6 fatty acids, it may take more planning in the diet to ensure adequate intake of these fatty acids. (Liquid Gold Makes it easy to plan). Omega-3s are used in the formation of cell walls and assist in improving circulation and oxygen uptake.”

 This is just a little bit about what essential fats are and their importance. Just think, most of us have never even heard of them, let alone tried them and they are essential!!

Essential Fatty acids are doctor recommended. Liquid Gold Essential Fatty Acids are of the finest quality and freshness. 

 Disclaimer: The Body Lab LLC, does not intend this message as a cure or to prevent anything but, to provide the reader with valued information. Always check with your doctor before trying any new diet and exercise.


Groff JL, Gropper SS, Hunt SM. Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism. New York: West Publishing Company; 1995. 2. Linscheer WG, Vergroesen AJ. Lipids. In: Shils ME, Olson JA, Shike M, eds. Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease. 8th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lea and Febiger; 1994. 3. Barnard N. Foods That Fight Pain. New York, NY: Harmony Books; 1998. 4. Omega-3 fatty acids and depression: new data. Harv Ment Health Lett. 2003;19:7. 5. Thiébaut AC, Chajés V, Gerber M, et al. Dietary intakes of omega-6 and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and the risk of breast cancer. Int J Cancer. 2009;124:924-931. 6. Yee LD, Lester JL, Clinton SK, et al. ω-3 Fatty acid supplements in women at high risk of breast cancer have dose-dependent effects on breast adipose tissue fatty acid composition. Am J Clin Nutr. 2010;91:1185-1194. 7. Lands WE, Morris A, Libelt B. Quantitative effects of dietary polyunsaturated fats on the composition of fatty acids in rat tissues. Lipids. 1990;25:505-516. 8. Simopoulos AP. Essential fatty acids in health and chronic disease. Am J Clin Nutr. 1999;70:560S-569S. 9. Simopoulous AP. The importance of the omega-6/omega-3 fatty acid ratio in cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseases. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2008;233:674-688

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